Challenge Handler
Created by Glare Date: 7/12/2019 Time: 2:50 PM
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Add a challenge to the list
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open fun announceDeath(@NotNull challenge: @NotNull GuildChallenge, @NotNull guilds: @NotNull Guilds, @NotNull player: @NotNull Player, @NotNull killer: @NotNull Player, @NotNull cause: @NotNull ChallengeHandler.Cause)
Announce when a player dies
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open fun announceWinner(@NotNull challenge: @NotNull GuildChallenge, @NotNull commandManager: @NotNull PaperCommandManager)
Announce the winner to the guild
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Make sure enough players joined the challenge
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open fun checkEnoughOnline(@NotNull challenger: @NotNull Guild, @NotNull defender: @NotNull Guild, amount: Int): Boolean
Simple method to check if both guilds have enough players online
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Check if a challenge is over because a team won
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open fun createNewChallenge(@NotNull challenger: @NotNull Guild, @NotNull defender: @NotNull Guild, minPlayer: Int, maxPlayers: Int, @NotNull arena: @NotNull Arena): GuildChallenge
Create a new Guild Challenge
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Teleport a player out of the arena
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Get a list of active challenges
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Get a combined map of all players
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Get a challenge by it's uuid
Get a guild challenge by a guild
Get a challenge from a player
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Get a list of the online war people for your guild
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open fun giveRewards(@NotNull settingsManager: @NotNull SettingsManager, @NotNull challenge: @NotNull GuildChallenge)
Give the rewards to the winner
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open fun handleFinish(@NotNull guilds: @NotNull Guilds, @NotNull settingsManager: @NotNull SettingsManager, @NotNull player: @NotNull Player, @NotNull challenge: @NotNull GuildChallenge)
Handle finishing of the arena war
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Called when the plugin is first enabled to load all the challenges
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open fun notOnCooldown(@NotNull guild: @NotNull Guild, @NotNull settingsManager: @NotNull SettingsManager): Boolean
Check to see if a Guild can be challenged
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open fun pingOnlineDefenders(@NotNull guild: @NotNull Guild, @NotNull commandManager: @NotNull PaperCommandManager, @NotNull challenger: @NotNull String, acceptTime: Int)
Send a message to all online defenders
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open fun prepareFinalList(@NotNull players: @NotNull List<UUID>, @NotNull challenge: @NotNull GuildChallenge, @NotNull team: @NotNull String)
Prepare the final list for a challenge
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Removes a challenge from the list by the uuid
Remove a challenge from the list
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Remove a player from a challenge
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open fun sendToArena(@NotNull players: @NotNull Map<UUID, String>, @Nullable location: @Nullable Location)
Send players to arena
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Teleport the remaining players back to their original location