
open class ArenaAdapter(source)

This class serves as an adapter between the Arena and the underlying data storage mechanism (either JSON or SQL)


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open fun ArenaAdapter(guilds: Guilds, adapter: DatabaseAdapter)
Constructs a new ArenaAdapter


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open fun arenaExists(@NotNull id: @NotNull String): Boolean
Checks if an arena with the given ID exists in the data storage mechanism
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open fun createArena(@NotNull arena: @NotNull Arena)
Creates a new arena in the data storage backend.
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open fun createContainer()
Creates a new container for arenas in the data storage mechanism
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open fun deleteArena(@NotNull id: @NotNull String)
Deletes an arena from the data storage backend.
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Gets a list of all arena IDs in the data storage mechanism
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open fun getAllArenas(): List<Arena>
Gets a list of all arenas in the data storage mechanism
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open fun saveArena(@NotNull arena: @NotNull Arena)
Saves an arena to the data storage backend.
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open fun saveArenas(@NotNull arenas: @NotNull Collection<Arena>)
Saves all the arenas in the collection to the data storage backend.
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open fun updateArena(@NotNull arena: @NotNull Arena)
Updates an existing arena in the data storage backend.