
Handles cooldowns for players and guilds.


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open fun CooldownHandler(guilds: Guilds)
Creates a new instance of the CooldownHandler class.


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open fun addCooldown(@NotNull cooldownType: @NotNull Cooldown.Type, @NotNull cooldownOwner: @NotNull UUID, length: Int, @NotNull timeUnit: @NotNull TimeUnit)
Adds a cooldown.
open fun addCooldown(@NotNull guild: @NotNull Guild, @NotNull type: @NotNull String, length: Int, @NotNull timeUnit: @NotNull TimeUnit)
Adds a guild to the cooldown.
open fun addCooldown(@NotNull player: @NotNull OfflinePlayer, @NotNull type: @NotNull String, length: Int, @NotNull timeUnit: @NotNull TimeUnit)
Adds a player to the cooldown.
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open fun getCooldown(@NotNull cooldownType: @NotNull Cooldown.Type, @NotNull cooldownOwner: @NotNull UUID): Cooldown
Gets a cooldown from the list.
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open fun getRemaining(@NotNull cooldownType: @NotNull String, @NotNull cooldownOwner: @NotNull UUID): Int
Get the remaining time of the cooldown.
open fun getRemaining(@NotNull cooldownType: @NotNull Cooldown.Type, @NotNull cooldownOwner: @NotNull UUID): Int
Get the remaining time of the cooldown in seconds.
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open fun hasCooldown(@NotNull cooldownType: @NotNull String, @NotNull cooldownOwner: @NotNull UUID): Boolean
Checks if a cooldown is still valid.
open fun hasCooldown(@NotNull cooldownType: @NotNull Cooldown.Type, @NotNull cooldownOwner: @NotNull UUID): Boolean
Check if a cooldown is still valid
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open fun loadCooldowns()
Loads all the cooldowns from the database when the plugin first enables.
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open fun saveCooldowns()
Saves all the cooldowns to the database.


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val cooldowns: ExpiringMap<UUID, Cooldown>