
data class GuildBuff(var identifier: String = "", var locked: BuffSettings = BuffSettings("Special Buff", "FEATHER", listOf("")), var unlocked: BuffSettings = BuffSettings("Special Buff", "FEATHER", listOf("")), var price: Double = 200.0, var effects: List<String> = listOf("FAST_DIGGING;1;60", "SPEED;2;30"), var permission: String = "", var clicker: BuffCommand = BuffCommand(true, listOf("")), var guild: BuffCommand = BuffCommand(true, listOf("")))(source)


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fun GuildBuff(identifier: String = "", locked: BuffSettings = BuffSettings("Special Buff", "FEATHER", listOf("")), unlocked: BuffSettings = BuffSettings("Special Buff", "FEATHER", listOf("")), price: Double = 200.0, effects: List<String> = listOf("FAST_DIGGING;1;60", "SPEED;2;30"), permission: String = "", clicker: BuffCommand = BuffCommand(true, listOf("")), guild: BuffCommand = BuffCommand(true, listOf("")))


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var price: Double = 200.0
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